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Child and Adolescent Outpatient Services

Child and Adolescent Outpatient Services

Specialty Outpatient Care for Children and Adolescents

For information and appointments, call 307-439-2139

Adolescent Mental Health Intensive Outpatient Teletherapy

The WBI Adolescent Mental Health Intensive Outpatient Program (MHIOP) is designed to support patient (ages 13-17) experiencing a variety of mental and behavioral health care challenges. Using a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approach, group members learn to manage:

  • depression
  • anxiety
  • trauma
  • impulse control
  • eating disorder
  • bipolar disorder
  • self-harm
  • and other mental health concerns

Applying the evidence-based curriculum The Roadmap to Peace of Mind and the 20+ years of combined clinical experience from our talented team – group members learn to change their thinking patterns and increase positive behaviors and coping. Youth learn “mile markers” that help them on their journey, to identify the harmful and self-defeating behaviors they engage in and to change those thinking and behavior patterns. As they progress through the program and the “mile markers”, youth are given the opportunity and tools to experience what it is like to change their behavior and mindset for long-term wellness.

This intensive program is three days a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday) from 4pm-7pm and lasts 6 weeks. This is a great option for youth who are having regular mental health challenges, are struggling to stay in school or in their home due to the intense nature of the difficulties they are facing, and/or are preparing to leave inpatient psychiatric or other residential care.  In fact, by making MHIOP a part of any residential aftercare/discharge plan for youth; youth are given an opportunity to build on success they have had and continue the process to build life-long habits that will improve their life.

Refer your student now, by calling 307-439-2139

Adolescent Care At Wyoming Behavioral Institute

Telehealth Offers:

  • Fast access to a UHS-credentialed provider for assessment, advice, education, intervention and monitoring, such as:
    • Individual behavioral health video session with a therapist
    • Group behavioral health video sessions
  • Eligibility for telehealth will depend on your medical or behavioral health condition and geographic location and ultimately will be determined by your provider.

Child and Adolescent Individual Outpatient Teletherapy

Individual teletherapy provides support that inspires change and promotes a better quality of life. Individual therapy can help individuals overcome obstacles impacting their wellbeing. Youth learn coping skills, improve their decision-making ability and self-awareness, work toward recovery from trauma and grief, improve their ability to manage their mental health, learn to set and achieve goals and improve their overall function.

  • For ages 10-17

Child and Adolescent Family Outpatient Teletherapy

Family teletherapy helps families address specific issues affecting their health and functioning. Family therapy provides support for children or parents suffering from mental illness, assists in the development of problem-solving, communication and coping skills and promotes the development of strengths families need to overcome challenges such as trauma, grief and loss, anger and stress.

  • For ages 10-17

Patient Stories

One Call Takes Care of It All

For intake, insurance and appointment scheduling call 307-439-2139

Seek Help Today

To speak with a member of our outpatient telehealth clinic team, give us a call at 307-439-2139 or you can reach us via email at [email protected].